HTML Core Attributes
On this page you will be able to reference the global core attributes that are common to almost all HTML elements. These can be applied to almost all of the HTML elements. Each HTML element can support a number of distinct attributes. In the element reference section here in later lessons you will find attributes that are specific to that certain element or group of elements that do not appear in this list because they are not common to almost all elements.
HTML Global Core Attributes ↓
title - advisory information that renders when the user is hovering over the element.
Possible Values: value relevant to the content in the element
style - CSS style declarations
Possible Values: see CSS style attributes
class - class name, or a space separated list of class names to bind the element to.
Possible Values: class names
id - unique identifier for the element. Only one tag can have the identifier you set.
Possible Values: you define the id string
dir - direction text is going in the element.
Possible Values: "ltr", "rtl", "auto"
lang - the primary language for the contents of the element.
Possible Values: a vaild RFC language code
accesskey - keyboard shortcut key or list of keys to associate with the element.
Possible Values: Shortcut key(or space separated list of keys) to assign
tabindex - Specify the tab order(when people hit their Tab key) for the element.
Possible Values: integer(a whole number)
New HTML5 Global Core Attributes ↓
contenteditable - whether or not the content inside of the element is editable.
Possible Values: "true", "false", ""
contextmenu - bind a context menu to the element a menu element's ID
Possible Values: id of the menu element to bind
draggable - whether or not the element can be dragged.
Possible Values: "true", "false"
dropzone - make a drop zone for a drag operation.
hidden - set the element as hidden(irrelevent)
Possible Values: "hidden", ""
spellcheck - set the element to spell check mode. Underlines misspelled words.
Possible Values: "true", "false", ""
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