HTML Primary Elements

HTML Primary Elements

Understanding the main elements that a web page should have will get you closer to achieving your goals for going online in the first place with your entity. We all jump online to help promote our businesses, ideas, and to network with other online users. It will serve you best to fully understand the documents you are communicating through, how to structure them to be search engine friendly, and how to make them as accessible as possible.

There are many HTML elements(tag sets) besides these, but I want to showcase these first because this is the skeleton of a proper web page before you add content and start applying other tags.

<!DOCTYPE> - The document type declaration communicates with software(validators, browser) accessing the page to help identify the HTML rules being followed inside the document. It states and helps verify that all tags used within the document are syntactically correct to the document type defined.

<html> - Defines the beginning and end of an HTML document. It contains the <head>, <title> and <body> sections of the document. Think of it as your document container.

<head> - Used to relate metadata for the document. The head element contains the <meta>, and <title> elements. We also use this section many times to include CSS, Javascript, and much more into our documents before the content of the <body> element is displayed.

<meta> - Used to describe the document with a character setting, description, and keywords primarily. We can also communicate with search engine robots using many types of meta type content, and give specific instructions to the browser software currently accessing our pages.

<title> - Displays a page title in the browser tab bars and bookmark lists. It also communicates data to search engine indexing bots.

<body> - Directly after the <head> element closes(</head>) we define our <body> element. This element contains everything that we want to display to the browser software. The body element can have attributes set in it to affect the entire document if the author so chooses.

Here are all of those main elements put together to create a web document:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>My Web Page</title>
  <h2>Welcome to my web page</h2>


Welcome to my web page.

Download the source code here

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