HTML5 Fallback Content

HTML5 Fallback Content
HTML5 has a fallback content feature for some of its new tags in case the viewer's browser does not support a particular HTML5 element you have in your web document. This allows you to easily serve up alternate HTML markup or text to older browser software. People viewing with newer browsers that process the HTML5 tag will see the new HTML5 tag, and the Fallback Content is ignored.
<audio src="song1.mp3" controls="controls">
Place your fallback HTML content here
In the code example above the person will see the words "Place your fallback HTML content here" or whatever HTML markup you want to show them, in the event that their browser software does not support that tag. And everybody else will see your sound player <audio> tag as it is intended.
Fallback content goes in the content area between the opening and closing HTML5 tag:
<html5tag> Fallback content goes here under content in the tag </html5tag>

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