
HTML input Element
The HTML <input> element is a very versatile and important part of user interfacing on the web. By specifying the type of component the input tag is to render you can achieve a multitude of form controls to intake data from online users with. The input element does not have to be used within a form element, however that is the most common application of it. You can have stand alone input elements tied to Ajax data processing and do away with the need for a <form> tag to enable processing and validation of the data.
You may want to review the <form> element before you begin experimenting with the examples below.
If the "type" attribute is missing from the input element is defaults to rendering the "text" type of input.
HTML Input Types Current ReleaseHTML5 Input Types 2014 Release
text inputemail input
password inputsearch input
file inputnumber input
radio inputurl input
checkbox inputcolor input
submit inputrange input
button inputtel input
image inputtime input
reset inputdate input
hidden inputdatetime input
datetime-local input
month input
week input

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