Keyboard Symbols

Keyboard Symbols

Keyboard Symbols
Here you can reference all of the HTML keyboard character and keyboard symbol entities. Five symbols on your keyboard are reserved in HTML, so we must use the HTML character entity to render those for viewing in a web document. The rest of the symbols and characters on your keyboard can be used without the need for an HTML entity in order for a visitor to see the symbol on a page.
! !
" "
# #
$ $
% %
& &
' '
( (
) )
* *
+ +
, ,
- -
. .
/ /
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
: :
; &#59;
< &#60;
= &#61;
> &#62;
? &#63;
@ &#64;
A &#65;
B &#66;
C &#67;
D &#68;
E &#69;
F &#70;
G &#71;
H &#72;
I &#73;
J &#74;
K &#75;
L &#76;
M &#77;
N &#78;
O &#79;
P &#80;
Q &#81;
R &#82;
S &#83;
T &#84;
U &#85;
V &#86;
W &#87;
X &#88;
Y &#89;
Z &#90;
[ &#91;
\ &#92;
] &#93;
^ &#94;
_ &#95;
` &#96;
a &#97;
b &#98;
c &#99;
d &#100;
e &#101;
f &#102;
g &#103;
h &#104;
i &#105;
j &#106;
k &#107;
l &#108;
m &#109;
n &#110;
o &#111;
p &#112;
q &#113;
r &#114;
s &#115;
t &#116;
u &#117;
v &#118;
w &#119;
x &#120;
y &#121;
z &#122;
{ &#123;
| &#124;
} &#125;
~ &#126;

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