
HTML track Element
NOTE: This new element is HTML5 and will be a standardized element in 2014.

The HTML <track> element is used to associate language subtitle tracks or text captioning tracks to the <audio> or <video> media elements. This is used to supply disabled people with text content to make your media more accessible, and to supply language subtitles for people who do not speak the language in the media.

The following example offers subtitles both in English and Italian for the video element. View the bottom of the page to see an example .vtt file.


<video controls="controls" width="600" height="400">
  <source src="skydive.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  <track kind=subtitles src=skydive_en.vtt srclang=en label="English">
  <track kind=subtitles src=skydive_it.vtt srclang=it label="Italiano">

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