3. MySQL PHP Search Programming : SQL LIKE Syntax UNION and AS Alias with Filters

MySQL PHP Search Programming : SQL LIKE Syntax UNION and AS Alias with Filters
Listening Video

Part 3 of MySQL PHP Search Programming Exercises for database driven web sites. Search pages that allow advanced targeting and filtering of information. Learn to build HTML Search Forms and Advanced Search Filters, Various MySQL Search Query Methods, Joined Table Queries Targeting Multiple Tables, Natural Language Full-Text Search Queries and discuss fine tuning your search programming and adjusting search parameters.
Lesson Code
MySQL PHP Search Exercises by Adam Khoury @ developphp.com
MySQL Database Version Used In the Lessons: 5.1.58
PHP Version Used in the Lessons: 5.2.17
For Code Logic and Code Explanations Watch the Videos
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
$search_output = "";
if(isset($_POST['searchquery']) && $_POST['searchquery'] != ""){
$searchquery = preg_replace('#[^a-z 0-9?!]#i', '', $_POST['searchquery']);
if($_POST['filter1'] == "Whole Site"){
$sqlCommand = "(SELECT id, page_title AS title FROM pages WHERE page_title LIKE '%$searchquery%' OR page_body LIKE '%$searchquery%') UNION (SELECT id, blog_title AS title FROM blog WHERE blog_title LIKE '%$searchquery%' OR blog_body LIKE '%$searchquery%')";
} else if($_POST['filter1'] == "Pages"){
$sqlCommand = "SELECT id, page_title AS title FROM pages WHERE page_title LIKE '%$searchquery%' OR page_body LIKE '%$searchquery%'";
} else if($_POST['filter1'] == "Blog"){
$sqlCommand = "SELECT id, blog_title AS title FROM blog WHERE blog_title LIKE '%$searchquery%' OR blog_body LIKE '%$searchquery%'";
        $query = mysql_query($sqlCommand) or die(mysql_error());
$count = mysql_num_rows($query);
if($count > 1){
$search_output .= "<hr />$count results for <strong>$searchquery</strong><hr />$sqlCommand<hr />";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
            $id = $row["id"];
    $title = $row["title"];
    $search_output .= "Item ID: $id - $title<br />";
                } // close while
} else {
$search_output = "<hr />0 results for <strong>$searchquery</strong><hr />$sqlCommand";
<h2>Search the Exercise Tables</h2>
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
Search For: 
  <input name="searchquery" type="text" size="44" maxlength="88"> 
<select name="filter1">
<option value="Whole Site">Whole Site</option>
<option value="Pages">Pages</option>
<option value="Blog">Blog</option>
<input name="myBtn" type="submit">
<br />
<?php echo $search_output; ?>

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