CSS Property Reference

CSS Property Reference

CSS Property Reference
The CSS Properties allow us to style the display of our HTML elements. Each level of CSS builds upon the last. Here you can reference the CSS properties useful to website development from CSS level 1 all the way to CSS level 3, as well as learn about each one more by clicking the property you wish to see a code example for. Each CSS level builds off of the previous level so that all properties apply.

CSS 1 Properties

CSS1 PropertyProperty Description
background-attachmentspecify if a background image should scroll or not
background-colorspecify a background color
background-imagespecify background images
background-positionspecify the position of background images
background-repeatspecify how a background image should repeat
backgroundshorthand for all background specific properties
border-colorspecify a border color for an element
border-stylespecify a border style for an element
specify border sizes for their specific side of an element
border-widthshorthand for the property above
shorthand for specifying properties for all independent sides
bordershorthand CSS for specifying width, style and color on all sides 
clearclear the space around floating elements
colorspecify text foreground color
displayspecify the element display type
floatspecify how elements should float
font-familyspecify font families
font-sizespecify font size
font-stylespecify font style
font-variantspecify font variant
font-weightspecify font weight
fontshorthand font setting for the 5 properties above
heightspecify the height of elements
letter-spacingspecify the letter spacing in words
line-heightspecify the line height of an element
list-style-imagespecify an image to replace the normal list markers
list-style-positionspecify list element positioning
list-style-typespecify list element marker style
list-styleshorthand for the 3 properties above
margin-topspecify top marginal space for an element
margin-rightspecify right marginal space for an element
margin-bottomspecify bottom marginal space for an element
margin-leftspecify left marginal space for an element
marginshorthand for the 4 properties above
padding-topspecify top inner cushioning space inside an element
padding-rightspecify right inner cushioning space inside an element
padding-bottomspecify bottom inner cushioning space inside an element
padding-leftspecify left inner cushioning space inside an element
paddingshorthand for the 4 properties above
text-alignspecify alignment of elements and text inside of an element
text-decorationspecify text decorations on text
text-indentindent the first line of text in an element
text-transformspecify capitalization and casing of text
vertical-alignspecify vertical alignment of child elements in relation to parent
white-spaceshorthand for text-space-collapse and text-wrap CSS3 properties
widthspecify the width of elements
word-spacingspecify the amount of space between words

CSS 2 Properties

CSS2 PropertyShort Description
azimuthspecify the horizontal direction that an element is heard from
specify border colors on independent sides of an element
specify border styles on independent sides of an element
border-collapsespecify how table borders behave
border-spacingspecify the spacing of table borders
bottomspecify bottom position offset
caption-sidespecify the placement of table captions
clipspecify an area to clip an element
contentspecify generated content
counter-incrementincrement a counter
counter-resetreset a counter
cursorspecify cursor states
directionspecify the writing direction in an element
elevationspecify the vertical direction that an element is heard from
empty-cellsspecify how to treat empty table cells
leftspecify left position offset
max-heightspecify a maximum height for an element
max-widthspecify a maximum width for an element
min-heightspecify a minimum height for an element
min-widthspecify a minimum width for an element
outline-colorspecify an outline color
outline-stylespecify an outline style
outline-widthspecify an outline width
outlineshorthand for outline-color, outline-style and outline-width
overflowshorthand for overflow-x and overflow-y properties
positionspecify how an element should be positioned
quotesspecify quote marks
rightspecify right position offset
text-shadowrender shadows for text
topspecify top position offset
visibilityspecify if the element is invisible or visible
z-indexspecify layering and stacking orders

CSS 3 Properties

CSS3 NOTE: CSS3 is not a standardized technology yet that you can rely on to work on all devices and in all browsers. It is still being tweaked and evaluated by browser vendors and the people who are creating CSS3 modules. Adam will only document CSS3 properties here that work in most popular browser software without prefixes or hacks. As more CSS3 modules slowly become standardized over time, he will add them to this site. He does not see the point in instructing how to use something that only halfway works so far, or requires multiple hacks or prefixes in order to work in just some browsers.
CSS3 PropertyShort Description
box-shadowrender shadows for content containers
overflow-xspecify how overflow content should be handled on the x-axis
overflow-yspecify how overflow content should be handled on the y-axis

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