CSS cue Property
The CSS cue-after , cue-before and cue properties are part of CSS aural content programming. They are used to specify sound clips known as an "auditory icons" that are to play before or after the selected elements. The cue property is shorthand for specifying both cue-before and cue-after sound clips. If given two values the cue property will use the first for the before cue and use the second value for the after cue. If given only one value the cue property will use the same sound clip for both the before and after cues.
Specify the path and file name of the sound clip.
A negative or positive value that will set the audio amplitude level for an audio signal. -6dB would be half the amplitude, while +6dBwould double the amplitude of the audio signal.
No sound clip is to be used.
h1 {
cue-before: url(chime1.wav);
cue-after: url(chime2.wav);
h2 {
cue: url(chime.wav) +3dB;
cue-before: url(chime1.wav);
cue-after: url(chime2.wav);
h2 {
cue: url(chime.wav) +3dB;
Possible Values:
uriSpecify the path and file name of the sound clip.
A negative or positive value that will set the audio amplitude level for an audio signal. -6dB would be half the amplitude, while +6dBwould double the amplitude of the audio signal.
No sound clip is to be used.
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