Needle in Haystack Tutorial PHP and JavaScript Array Programming

Needle in Haystack Tutorial PHP and JavaScript Array Programming

Listening Video

Learn to search for needles in haystacks using either PHP or JavaScript, which is a term used for looking in data arrays too see if a specific value exists. We also demonstrate how to optionally remove array elements where they match a value. Searching in an array for value(looking for a needle in a haystack):
<?php $haystack = array('horse','goat','pig','chicken'); $needle = "pig"; $index = array_search($needle, $haystack); if(!array_search($needle, $haystack)){ echo $needle." NOT found in the PHP array"; } else { echo $needle." found in the PHP array"; } ?> <hr> <script> var haystack = ['horse','goat','pig','chicken']; var needle = "pig"; if(haystack.indexOf(needle) < 0){ document.write(needle+" NOT found in the JavaScript array"); } else { document.write(needle+" found in the JavaScript array"); } </script>
Removing(delete) needle from haystack if needle is found:
<?php $haystack = array('horse','goat','pig','chicken'); $needle = "pig"; $index = array_search($needle, $haystack); if($index){ unset($haystack[$index]); } echo serialize($haystack)." | ".count($haystack); ?> <hr> <script> var haystack = ['horse','goat','pig','chicken']; var needle = "pig"; if(haystack.indexOf(needle) > -1){ haystack.splice(haystack.indexOf(needle),1); } document.write(haystack+" | "+haystack.length); </script>

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