nth-of-type Selector

nth-of-type Selector
CSS nth-of-type Selector reference
The CSS nth-of-type structural pseudo-class selector ( X:nth-of-type() { } ) is used to target and style specified child elements according to their position in their specified parent element. This selector is similar to the X:nth-child() selector, but differs by only counting specified elements to make selections and it does not count other element types in the parent.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
div p:nth-of-type(3) {
  <h3>Heading content</h3>
  <p>Paragraph content...</p>
  <p>Paragraph content...</p>
  <p>Paragraph content...</p>
<hr />
  <h3>Heading content</h3>
  <p>Paragraph content...</p>
  <p>Paragraph content...</p>
  <p>Paragraph content...</p>

Heading content

Paragraph content...
Paragraph content...
Paragraph content...

Heading content

Paragraph content...
Paragraph content...
Paragraph content...

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