

The HTML <button> element is a multipurpose button component. The button element will allow an image or text as content to be placed in it. See the button type of form input for a similar device and more information.

<button type="button">I am a button</button>

Live Browser


Attributes for this element:

type - designates the button type
Possible Values: "submit", "reset", "button"
(If the button element has no type attribute set, it defaults to "submit" type)

name - the name part of the key-value pair (used for form submission)
Possible Values: "you define"

value - the value part of the key-value pair (used for form submission)
Possible Values: "you define"

global attributes - global core attributes
See: list of global attributes

Event handlers for this element:

global event handlers - global event handler attributes
See: list of global event handlers

New HTML Attributes for this element(applies 2014):

autofocus - makes the button automatically receive focus when the document loads
Possible Values: "autofocus"

disabled - disables the button
Possible Values: "disabled"

form - associate the button with a form element
Possible Values: "form identifier"

formaction - if button is type "submit" this specifies the parser URL
Possible Values: "URL string"

formenctype - if button is type "submit" this designates the form encoding type
Possible Values: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"

formmethod - if button is type "submit" this designates the form HTTP method
Possible Values: "post", "get"

formnovalidate - if button is type "submit" this disables validation of the form
Possible Values: "formnovalidate"

formtarget - browsing context name representing the target of the form control
Possible Values: "_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top"

global attributes - global core attributes
See: list of global attributes

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