HTML5 New Tags
The following are new tags that have been introduced into HTML5 and should not be fully relied upon until 2014 when HTML5 is released and all browsers software will adhere to it.
<article> - Used for an independent piece of content on a page such as an article, blog or forum post.
<aside> - Used for content that is only slightly related to the content in the document.
<audio> - Used for assigning and playing music or an audio file on a web page.
<bdi> - Used to isolate right-to-left language reading from surrounding content.
<canvas> - Used for dynamic drawing, games, animations and image manipulation using Javascript.
<command> - Used to specify a command that the user can invoke.
<datalist> - Used together with the a new list attribute for input can be used to make comboboxes
<details> - Used for describing additional information about the document or parts of the document
<embed> - Used for embedding interactive external content or a plugin.
<figure> - Used for describing images, diagrams, graphs, charts or multimedia.
<figcaption> - Used for specifying caption in the figure tag
<footer> - Used as the base or bottom of a page section or entire document.
<header> - Used for introducing a web document and can include navigation links.
<hgroup> - Used for grouping header tags h1 - h6.
<keygen> - Used to give the browser software a key generation mechanism.
<mark> - Used to to highlignt a portion of text that has relevance.
<meter> - Used to represent a measurement or number between a minimum and maximum range
<nav> - Used for housing navigation links.
<output> - Used to specify the result of a process or calculation, such as one performed by a script.
<progress> - Used to specify progress of a task at hand. Can be used with JavaScript / Ajax.
<rp, rt, ruby> - Used for representing ruby annotations.
<section> - Used to represent a generic section within a web document.
<source> - Used to specify multiple media sources such as video and audio files.
<summary> - Used to specify a header in the tag.
<time> - Used to specify date or time information.
<track> - Used to play a text time track file as subtitles and captions for media.
<video> - Used to specify video files you wish to render to play in the web document.
New HTML5 input type values for the Form <input> field
color - for a color picker
date - for a date selector
datetime-local - for local date/time value selector
datetime - for a full date, time and time zone selector
email - for email fields
month - month selector
number - for taking in numeric values
range - for a numeric range selector
search - for taking in a search term
tel - for taking in a telephone number
time - for a time selector
url - for taking in URLs
week - for selecting a week within a given year
date - for a date selector
datetime-local - for local date/time value selector
datetime - for a full date, time and time zone selector
email - for email fields
month - month selector
number - for taking in numeric values
range - for a numeric range selector
search - for taking in a search term
tel - for taking in a telephone number
time - for a time selector
url - for taking in URLs
week - for selecting a week within a given year
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